/************************************************************************** * jquery.themepunch.revolution.js - jQuery Plugin for kenburn Slider * @version: 2.1.6 (28.12.2012) * @requires jQuery v1.7 or later (tested on 1.8.2 already) * @author ThemePunch **************************************************************************/ (function(e, t) { function n(t, n) { t.find(".defaultimg").each(function(i) { p(e(this), n); n.height = Math.round(n.startheight * (n.width / n.startwidth)); t.height(n.height); p(e(this), n); try { t.parent().find(".tp-bannershadow").css({ width: n.width }) } catch(s) {} var o = t.find(">ul >li:eq(" + n.act + ") .slotholder"); var u = t.find(">ul >li:eq(" + n.next + ") .slotholder"); y(t, n); u.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); o.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); b(t, n); var a = t.find(">ul >li:eq(" + n.next + ")"); t.find(".tp-caption").each(function() { e(this).stop(true, true) }); k(a, n); r(n, t) }) } function r(e, t) { e.cd = 0; if (e.videoplaying != true) { var n = t.find(".tp-bannertimer"); if (n.length > 0) { n.stop(); n.css({ width: "0%" }); n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: e.delay - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }) } clearTimeout(e.thumbtimer); e.thumbtimer = setTimeout(function() { o(t); h(t, e) }, 200) } } function i(e, t) { e.cd = 0; w(t, e); var n = t.find(".tp-bannertimer"); if (n.length > 0) { n.stop(); n.css({ width: "0%" }); n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: e.delay - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }) } } function s(n, r) { var s = n.parent(); if (r.navigationType == "thumb" || r.navsecond == "both") { s.append('
') } var a = s.find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .tp-mask .tp-thumbcontainer"); var f = a.parent(); f.width(r.thumbWidth * r.thumbAmount); f.height(r.thumbHeight); f.parent().width(r.thumbWidth * r.thumbAmount); f.parent().height(r.thumbHeight); n.find(">ul:first >li").each(function(e) { var r = n.find(">ul:first >li:eq(" + e + ")"); if (r.data("thumb") != t) var i = r.data("thumb"); else var i = r.find("img:first").attr("src"); a.append('
'); var s = a.find(".bullet:first") }); a.append('
'); var l = 1e3; a.find(".bullet").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (t == r.slideamount - 1) s.addClass("last"); if (t == 0) s.addClass("first"); s.width(r.thumbWidth); s.height(r.thumbHeight); if (l > s.outerWidth(true)) l = s.outerWidth(true); s.click(function() { if (r.transition == 0 && s.index() != r.act) { r.next = s.index(); i(r, n) } }) }); var c = l * n.find(">ul:first >li").length; var h = a.parent().width(); r.thumbWidth = l; if (h < c) { e(document).mousemove(function(t) { e("body").data("mousex", t.pageX) }); a.parent().mouseenter(function() { var t = e(this); t.addClass("over"); var r = t.offset(); var i = e("body").data("mousex") - r.left; var s = t.width(); var o = t.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var a = o * n.find(">ul:first >li").length; var f = a - s + 15; var l = f / s; i = i - 30; var c = 0 - i * l; if (c > 0) c = 0; if (c < 0 - a + s) c = 0 - a + s; u(t, c, 200) }); a.parent().mousemove(function() { var t = e(this); var r = t.offset(); var i = e("body").data("mousex") - r.left; var s = t.width(); var o = t.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var a = o * n.find(">ul:first >li").length; var f = a - s + 15; var l = f / s; i = i - 30; var c = 0 - i * l; if (c > 0) c = 0; if (c < 0 - a + s) c = 0 - a + s; u(t, c, 0) }); a.parent().mouseleave(function() { var t = e(this); t.removeClass("over"); o(n) }) } } function o(e) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .tp-mask .tp-thumbcontainer"); var n = t.parent(); var r = n.offset(); var i = n.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var s = n.find(".bullet.selected").index() * i; var o = n.width(); var i = n.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var a = i * e.find(">ul:first >li").length; var f = a - o; var l = f / o; var c = 0 - s; if (c > 0) c = 0; if (c < 0 - a + o) c = 0 - a + o; if (!n.hasClass("over")) { u(n, c, 200) } } function u(e, t, n) { e.stop(); e.find(".tp-thumbcontainer").animate({ left: t + "px" }, { duration: n, queue: false }) } function a(t, n) { if (n.navigationType == "bullet" || n.navigationType == "both") { t.parent().append('
') } var r = t.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); t.find(">ul:first >li").each(function(e) { var n = t.find(">ul:first >li:eq(" + e + ") img:first").attr("src"); r.append('
'); var i = r.find(".bullet:first") }); r.find(".bullet").each(function(r) { var s = e(this); if (r == n.slideamount - 1) s.addClass("last"); if (r == 0) s.addClass("first"); s.click(function() { if (n.transition == 0 && s.index() != n.act) { n.next = s.index(); i(n, t) } }) }); r.append('
'); h(t, n); e("#unvisible_button").click(function() { n.navigationArrows = e(".selectnavarrows").val(); n.navigationType = e(".selectnavtype").val(); h(t, n); setTimeout(function() { h(t, n) }, 100) }) } function f(e, n) { var r = e.find(".tp-bullets"); var s = ""; if (n.navigationArrow == "none") s = "visibility:none"; e.parent().append('
'); e.parent().append('
'); e.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click(function() { if (n.transition == 0) { if (e.data("showus") != t && e.data("showus") != -1) n.next = e.data("showus") - 1; else n.next = n.next + 1; e.data("showus", -1); if (n.next >= n.slideamount) n.next = 0; if (n.next < 0) n.next = 0; if (n.act != n.next) i(n, e) } }); e.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow").click(function() { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next - 1; n.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (n.next < 0) n.next = n.slideamount - 1; i(n, e) } }); h(e, n) } function l(e, t) { if (t.touchenabled == "on") e.swipe({ data: e, swipeRight: function() { if (t.transition == 0) { t.next = t.next - 1; t.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (t.next < 0) t.next = t.slideamount - 1; i(t, e) } }, swipeLeft: function() { if (t.transition == 0) { t.next = t.next + 1; if (t.next == t.slideamount) t.next = 0; i(t, e) } }, allowPageScroll: "auto" }) } function c(e, t) { var n = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); var r = e.parent().find(".tparrows"); if (n == null) { e.append('
'); var n = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets") } if (r == null) { e.append('
'); var r = e.parent().find(".tparrows") } e.data("hidethumbs", t.hideThumbs); if (t.ie) { r.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { try { r.css({ opacity: 0 }) } catch(i) {} } n.hover(function() { clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); r.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 200, queue: false }) }, function() { if (!e.hasClass("hovered")) e.data("hidethumbs", setTimeout(function() { if (t.ie) { r.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { r.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: 200, queue: false }) } }, t.hideThumbs)) }); r.hover(function() { clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); if (t.ie) { r.css({ visibility: "visible" }) } else { r.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 200, queue: false }) } }, function() { if (!e.hasClass("hovered")) e.data("hidethumbs", setTimeout(function() { if (t.ie) { r.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { r.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: 200, queue: false }) } }, t.hideThumbs)) }); e.live("mouseenter", function() { e.addClass("hovered"); clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); if (t.ie) { r.css({ visibility: "visible" }) } else { r.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: 200, queue: false }) } }); e.live("mouseleave", function() { e.removeClass("hovered"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered")) e.data("hidethumbs", setTimeout(function() { if (t.ie) { r.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } else { r.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: 200, queue: false }) } }, t.hideThumbs)) }) } function h(t, n) { if (n.navigationType == "both") { n.navigationType = "bullet"; n.navsecond = "both" } if (n.navigationType == "none" && n.navigationArrows != "none") n.navigationArrows = "verticalcentered"; n.navOH = n.navOffsetHorizontal * n.bw; n.navOV = n.navOffsetVertical * n.bh; if (n.bw != 1) n.navOH = 0; var r = t.parent(); var i = r.find(".tp-leftarrow"); var s = r.find(".tp-rightarrow"); if (n.navigationType == "bullet") { var o = r.find(".tp-bullets.simplebullets"); var u = r.find(".tp-bullets.simplebullets.navbar"); o.css({ visibility: "visible" }); try { r.find(".tp-thumbs").css({ visibility: "hidden" }); if (n.ie) r.find(".tp-thumbs").remove() } catch(a) {} var f = o.width(); if (!o.hasClass("tp-thumbs")) { f = 0; o.find(".bullet").each(function() { f = f + e(this).outerWidth(true) }); o.css({ width: f + "px" }) //alert(f) } var l = r.outerWidth() - n.width; o.css({ left: n.navOH + l / 2 + (n.width / 2 - f / 2) + "px", bottom: n.navOV + "px" }); if (n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { i.removeClass("large"); s.removeClass("large"); i.removeClass("thumbswitharrow"); s.removeClass("thumbswitharrow"); i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); s.css({ visibility: "visible" }); var c = 0; i.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.position().left - i.outerWidth(true) + "px", top: o.position().top + "px" }); s.css({ position: "absolute", left: o.outerWidth(true) + o.position().left + "px", top: o.position().top + "px" }); try { u.css({ paddingLeft: "40px", paddingRight: "40px", "margin-left": "-40px" }) } catch(a) {} } else { if (n.navigationArrows == "verticalcentered") { i.addClass("large"); s.addClass("large"); i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); s.css({ visibility: "visible" }); var h = r.outerHeight(); i.css({ position: "absolute", left: Math.round(l / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(h / 2) + "px" }); s.css({ position: "absolute", left: Math.round(n.width - s.outerWidth() + l / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(h / 2) + "px" }); try { u.css({ paddingLeft: "10px", paddingRight: "10px", "margin-left": "-10px" }) } catch(a) {} } else { i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); s.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); try { u.css({ paddingLeft: "10px", paddingRight: "10px", "margin-left": "-10px" }) } catch(a) {} } } } else { if (n.navigationType == "thumb") { var p = r.find(".tp-thumbs"); try { r.find(".tp-bullets").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } catch(a) {} p.css({ visibility: "visible" }); var h = p.parent().outerHeight(); var l = r.outerWidth() - n.width; p.css({ left: n.navOH + (n.width / 2 - p.width() / 2) + "px" }); p.css({ bottom: 0 - p.outerHeight(true) + n.navOV + "px" }); if (n.navigationArrows == "verticalcentered") { i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); s.css({ visibility: "visible" }); i.addClass("large"); s.addClass("large"); i.css({ position: "absolute", left: Math.round(l / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(r.outerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); s.css({ position: "absolute", left: Math.round(n.width - s.outerWidth() + l / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(r.outerHeight() / 2) + "px" }) } else { i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); s.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } } else { if (n.navigationType == "none") { try { r.find(".tp-bullets").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } catch(a) {} try { r.find(".tp-thumbs").css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } catch(a) {} if (n.navigationArrows != "none") { var l = r.outerWidth() - n.width; i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); s.css({ visibility: "visible" }); i.addClass("large"); s.addClass("large"); i.css({ position: "absolute", left: Math.round(l / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(r.outerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); s.css({ position: "absolute", left: Math.round(n.width - s.outerWidth() + l / 2) + "px", top: Math.round(r.outerHeight() / 2) + "px" }) } else { i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); s.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } } } } } function p(e, n) { n.width = parseInt(n.container.width(), 0); n.height = parseInt(n.container.height(), 0); n.bw = n.width / n.startwidth; n.bh = n.height / n.startheight; if (n.bh > 1) { n.bw = 1; n.bh = 1 } if (e.data("orgw") != t) { e.width(e.data("orgw")); e.height(e.data("orgh")) } var r = n.width / e.width(); var i = n.height / e.height(); n.fw = r; n.fh = i; if (e.data("orgw") == t) { e.data("orgw", e.width()); e.data("orgh", e.height()) } if (n.fullWidth == "on") { var s = n.container.parent().width(); var o = n.container.parent().height(); var u = o / e.data("orgh"); var a = s / e.data("orgw"); e.width(e.width() * u); e.height(o); if (e.width() < s) { e.width(s + 50); var a = e.width() / e.data("orgw"); e.height(e.data("orgh") * a) } if (e.width() > s) { e.data("fxof", s / 2 - e.width() / 2); e.css({ position: "absolute", left: e.data("fxof") + "px" }) } if (e.height() <= o) { e.data("fyof", 0); e.css({ position: "absolute", top: e.data("fyof") + "px" }) } if (e.height() > o && e.data("fullwidthcentering") == "on") { e.data("fyof", o / 2 - e.height() / 2); e.css({ position: "absolute", top: e.data("fyof") + "px" }) } } else { e.width(n.width); e.height(e.height() * r); if (e.height() < n.height && e.height() != 0 && e.height() != null) { e.height(n.height); e.width(e.data("orgw") * i) } } e.data("neww", e.width()); e.data("newh", e.height()); if (n.fullWidth == "on") { n.slotw = Math.ceil(e.width() / n.slots) } else { n.slotw = Math.ceil(n.width / n.slots) } n.sloth = Math.ceil(n.height / n.slots) } function d(n, r) { n.find(".tp-caption").each(function() { e(this).addClass(e(this).data("transition")); e(this).addClass("start") }); n.find(">ul:first >li").each(function(n) { var r = e(this); if (r.data("link") != t) { var i = r.data("link"); var s = "_self"; var o = r.data("linktoslide"); if (r.data("target") != t) s = r.data("target"); if (i == "slide") { r.append('') } else { o = "no"; r.append('') } } }); n.find(">ul:first >li >img").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); n.addClass("defaultimg"); p(n, r); p(n, r); n.wrap('
'); n.css({ opacity: 0 }); n.data("li-id", t) }) } function v(e, n, r) { var i = e; var s = i.find("img"); p(s, n); var o = s.attr("src"); var u = s.data("neww"); var a = s.data("newh"); var f = s.data("fxof"); if (f == t) f = 0; var l = s.data("fyof"); if (s.data("fullwidthcentering") != "on" || l == t) l = 0; var c = 0; if (!r) var c = 0 - n.slotw; for (var h = 0; h < n.slots; h++) i.append('
') } function m(e, n, r) { var i = e; var s = i.find("img"); p(s, n); var o = s.attr("src"); var u = s.data("neww"); var a = s.data("newh"); var f = s.data("fxof"); if (f == t) f = 0; var l = s.data("fyof"); if (s.data("fullwidthcentering") != "on" || l == t) l = 0; var c = 0; if (!r) var c = 0 - n.sloth; for (var h = 0; h < n.slots + 2; h++) i.append('
') } function g(e, n, r) { var i = e; var s = i.find("img"); p(s, n); var o = s.attr("src"); var u = s.data("neww"); var a = s.data("newh"); var f = s.data("fxof"); if (f == t) f = 0; var l = s.data("fyof"); if (s.data("fullwidthcentering") != "on" || l == t) l = 0; var c = 0; var h = 0; if (n.sloth > n.slotw) h = n.sloth; else h = n.slotw; if (!r) { var c = 0 - h } n.slotw = h; n.sloth = h; var d = 0; var v = 0; for (var m = 0; m < n.slots; m++) { v = 0; for (var g = 0; g < n.slots; g++) { i.append('
' + '
' + '
'); v = v + h } d = d + h } } function y(n, r, i) { if (i == t) i == 80; setTimeout(function() { n.find(".slotholder .slot").each(function() { clearTimeout(e(this).data("tout")); e(this).remove() }); r.transition = 0 }, i) } function b(e, t) { var n = e.find(">li:eq(" + t.act + ")"); var r = e.find(">li:eq(" + t.next + ")"); var i = r.find(".tp-caption"); if (i.find("iframe") == 0) { if (i.hasClass("hcenter")) i.css({ height: t.height + "px", top: "0px", left: t.width / 2 - i.outerWidth() / 2 + "px" }); else if (i.hasClass("vcenter")) i.css({ width: t.width + "px", left: "0px", top: t.height / 2 - i.outerHeight() / 2 + "px" }) } } function w(n, r) { r.transition = 1; r.videoplaying = false; try { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.act + ")") } catch(s) { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)") } var u = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"); var a = i.find(".slotholder"); var f = u.find(".slotholder"); i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); u.css({ visibility: "visible" }); if (r.ie) { if (u.data("transition") == "boxfade") u.data("transition", "boxslide"); if (u.data("transition") == "slotfade-vertical") u.data("transition", "slotzoom-vertical"); if (u.data("transition") == "slotfade-horizontal") u.data("transition", "slotzoom-horizontal") } if (u.data("delay") != t) { r.cd = 0; r.delay = u.data("delay") } else { r.delay = r.origcd } i.css({ left: "0px", top: "0px" }); u.css({ left: "0px", top: "0px" }); var l = 0; if (u.data("transition") == "boxslide") l = 0; else if (u.data("transition") == "boxfade") l = 1; else if (u.data("transition") == "slotslide-horizontal") l = 2; else if (u.data("transition") == "slotslide-vertical") l = 3; else if (u.data("transition") == "curtain-1") l = 4; else if (u.data("transition") == "curtain-2") l = 5; else if (u.data("transition") == "curtain-3") l = 6; else if (u.data("transition") == "slotzoom-horizontal") l = 7; else if (u.data("transition") == "slotzoom-vertical") l = 8; else if (u.data("transition") == "slotfade-horizontal") l = 9; else if (u.data("transition") == "slotfade-vertical") l = 10; else if (u.data("transition") == "fade") l = 11; else if (u.data("transition") == "slideleft") l = 12; else if (u.data("transition") == "slideup") l = 13; else if (u.data("transition") == "slidedown") l = 14; else if (u.data("transition") == "slideright") l = 15; else if (u.data("transition") == "papercut") l = 16; else if (u.data("transition") == "3dcurtain-horizontal") l = 17; else if (u.data("transition") == "3dcurtain-vertical") l = 18; else if (u.data("transition") == "cubic") l = 19; else if (u.data("transition") == "flyin") l = 20; else if (u.data("transition") == "turnoff") l = 21; else { l = Math.round(Math.random() * 21); u.data("slotamount", Math.round(Math.random() * 12 + 4)) } if (u.data("transition") == "random-static") { l = Math.round(Math.random() * 16); if (l > 15) l = 15; if (l < 0) l = 0 } if (u.data("transition") == "random-premium") { l = Math.round(Math.random() * 6 + 16); if (l > 21) l = 21; if (l < 16) l = 16 } var c = -1; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1 || r.act > r.next) c = 1; if (u.data("transition") == "slidehorizontal") { l = 12; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) l = 15 } if (u.data("transition") == "slidevertical") { l = 13; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) l = 14 } r.leftarrowpressed = 0; if (l > 21) l = 21; if (l < 0) l = 0; if (!e.support.transition && l > 16) { l = Math.round(Math.random() * 16); u.data("slotamount", Math.round(Math.random() * 12 + 4)) } if (r.ie && (l == 17 || l == 16 || l == 2 || l == 3 || l == 9 || l == 10)) l = Math.round(Math.random() * 3 + 12); if (r.ie9 && l == 3) l = 4; var h = 300; if (u.data("masterspeed") != t && u.data("masterspeed") > 99 && u.data("masterspeed") < 4001) h = u.data("masterspeed"); n.parent().find(".bullet").each(function() { var t = e(this); t.removeClass("selected"); if (t.index() == r.next) t.addClass("selected") }); n.find(">li").each(function() { var t = e(this); if (t.index != r.act && t.index != r.next) t.css({ "z-index": 16 }) }); i.css({ "z-index": 18 }); u.css({ "z-index": 20 }); u.css({ opacity: 0 }); L(i, r); k(u, r); if (u.data("slotamount") == t || u.data("slotamount") < 1) { r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 12 + 4); if (u.data("transition") == "boxslide") r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 6 + 3) } else { r.slots = u.data("slotamount") } if (u.data("rotate") == t) r.rotate = 0; else if (u.data("rotate") == 999) r.rotate = Math.round(Math.random() * 360); else r.rotate = u.data("rotate"); if (!e.support.transition || r.ie || r.ie9) r.rotate = 0; if (r.firststart == 1) { i.css({ opacity: 0 }); r.firststart = 0 } if (l == 0) { h = h + 100; if (r.slots > 10) r.slots = 10; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); g(a, r, true); g(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (r.ie9) s.transition({ top: 0 - r.sloth, left: 0 - r.slotw }, 0); else s.transition({ top: 0 - r.sloth, left: 0 - r.slotw, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); setTimeout(function() { s.transition({ top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, rotate: 0 }, h * 1.5, function() { if (t == r.slots * r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }, t * 15) }) } if (l == 1) { if (r.slots > 5) r.slots = 5; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); g(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); s.css({ opacity: 0 }); s.find("img").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (r.ie9) s.find("img").transition({ top: Math.random() * r.slotw - r.slotw + "px", left: Math.random() * r.slotw - r.slotw + "px" }, 0); else s.find("img").transition({ top: Math.random() * r.slotw - r.slotw + "px", left: Math.random() * r.slotw - r.slotw + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); var l = Math.random() * 1e3 + (h + 200); if (t == r.slots * r.slots - 1) l = 1500; s.find("img").transition({ opacity: 1, top: 0 - s.data("y") + "px", left: 0 - s.data("x") + "px", rotate: 0 }, l); s.transition({ opacity: 1 }, l, function() { if (t == r.slots * r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }) } if (l == 2) { h = h + 200; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); v(a, r, true); v(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); t.transit({ left: r.slotw + "px", rotate: 0 - r.rotate }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); if (r.ie9) t.transit({ left: 0 - r.slotw + "px" }, 0); else t.transit({ left: 0 - r.slotw + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); t.transit({ left: "0px", rotate: 0 }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (r.ie) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }) } if (l == 3) { h = h + 200; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); m(a, r, true); m(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); t.transit({ top: r.sloth + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); if (r.ie9) t.transit({ top: 0 - r.sloth + "px" }, 0); else t.transit({ top: 0 - r.sloth + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); t.transit({ top: "0px", rotate: 0 }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }) } if (l == 4) { u.css({ opacity: 1 }); v(a, r, true); v(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); n.transit({ top: 0 + r.height + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: r.rotate }, h + t * (70 - r.slots)) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (r.ie9) s.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", opacity: 0 }, 0); else s.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); s.transition({ top: "0px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h + t * (70 - r.slots), function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }) } if (l == 5) { u.css({ opacity: 1 }); v(a, r, true); v(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); n.transition({ top: 0 + r.height + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: r.rotate }, h + (r.slots - t) * (70 - r.slots)) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (r.ie9) s.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", opacity: 0 }, 0); else s.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); s.transition({ top: "0px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h + (r.slots - t) * (70 - r.slots), function() { if (t == 0) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }) } if (l == 6) { u.css({ opacity: 1 }); if (r.slots < 2) r.slots = 2; v(a, r, true); v(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); if (t < r.slots / 2) var i = (t + 2) * 60; else var i = (2 + r.slots - t) * 60; n.transition({ top: 0 + r.height + "px", opacity: 1 }, h + i) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (r.ie9) s.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", opacity: 0 }, 0); else s.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); if (t < r.slots / 2) var l = (t + 2) * 60; else var l = (2 + r.slots - t) * 60; s.transition({ top: "0px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h + l, function() { if (t == Math.round(r.slots / 2)) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }) } if (l == 7) { h = h * 3; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); v(a, r, true); v(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this).find("img"); t.transition({ left: 0 - r.slotw / 2 + "px", top: 0 - r.height / 2 + "px", width: r.slotw * 2 + "px", height: r.height * 2 + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }); / /; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this).find("img"); if (r.ie9) s.transition({ left: 0 + "px", top: 0 + "px", opacity: 0 }, 0); else s.transition({ left: 0 + "px", top: 0 + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); s.transition({ left: 0 - t * r.slotw + "px", top: 0 + "px", width: f.find(".defaultimg").data("neww") + "px", height: f.find(".defaultimg").data("newh") + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }) } if (l == 8) { h = h * 3; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); m(a, r, true); m(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this).find("img"); t.transition({ left: 0 - r.width / 2 + "px", top: 0 - r.sloth / 2 + "px", width: r.width * 2 + "px", height: r.sloth * 2 + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this).find("img"); if (r.ie9) s.transition({ left: 0 + "px", top: 0 + "px", opacity: 0 }, 0); else s.transition({ left: 0 + "px", top: 0 + "px", opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); s.transition({ left: 0 + "px", top: 0 - t * r.sloth + "px", width: f.find(".defaultimg").data("neww") + "px", height: f.find(".defaultimg").data("newh") + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h, function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }) }) } if (l == 9) { u.css({ opacity: 1 }); r.slots = r.width / 20; v(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var p = 0; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); p++; n.transition({ opacity: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, 0); n.data("tout", setTimeout(function() { n.transition({ x: 0, y: 0, opacity: 1 }, h) }, t * 4)) }); setTimeout(function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (r.ie) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }, h + p * 4) } if (l == 10) { u.css({ opacity: 1 }); r.slots = r.height / 20; m(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var p = 0; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); p++; n.transition({ opacity: 0, x: 0, y: 0 }, 0); n.data("tout", setTimeout(function() { n.transition({ x: 0, y: 0, opacity: 1 }, h) }, t * 4)) }); setTimeout(function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (r.ie) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }, h + p * 4) } if (l == 11) { u.css({ opacity: 1 }); r.slots = 1; v(f, r, true); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var p = 0; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); p++; if (r.ie9 || r.ie) n.transition({ opacity: 0 }, 0); else n.transition({ opacity: 0, rotate: r.rotate }, 0); n.transition({ opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h) }); setTimeout(function() { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (r.ie) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }, h) } if (l == 12 || l == 13 || l == 14 || l == 15) { h = h * 3; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); r.slots = 1; v(f, r, true); v(a, r, true); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var d = r.width; var b = r.height; if (r.fullWidth == "on") { d = r.container.parent().width(); b = r.container.parent().height() } var w = f.find(".slotslide"); if (l == 12) if (r.ie9) w.transition({ left: d + "px" }, 0); else w.transition({ left: d + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); else if (l == 15) if (r.ie9) w.transition({ left: 0 - r.width + "px" }, 0); else w.transition({ left: 0 - r.width + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); else if (l == 13) if (r.ie9) w.transition({ top: b + "px" }, 0); else w.transition({ top: b + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); else if (l == 14) if (r.ie9) w.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px" }, 0); else w.transition({ top: 0 - r.height + "px", rotate: r.rotate }, 0); w.transition({ left: "0px", top: "0px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h, function() { y(n, r, 0); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) }); var E = a.find(".slotslide"); if (l == 12) E.transition({ left: 0 - d + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h); else if (l == 15) E.transition({ left: d + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h); else if (l == 13) E.transition({ top: 0 - b + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h); else if (l == 14) E.transition({ top: b + "px", opacity: 1, rotate: 0 }, h) } if (l == 16) { i.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }); u.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 15 }); i.wrapInner('
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i.find(".tp-half-two").transition({ opacity: 1, scale: O, rotate: C, y: 0 + r.height / 1.4 + "px" }, 800, "in"); if (i.html() != null) u.transition({ scale: .8, x: r.width * .1, y: r.height * .1, rotate: N }, 0).transition({ rotate: 0, scale: 1, x: 0, y: 0 }, 600, "snap") } f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); setTimeout(function() { i.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 18 }); u.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (i.find(".tp-half-one").length > 0) { i.find(".tp-half-one >img, .tp-half-one >div").unwrap() } i.find(".tp-half-two").remove(); r.transition = 0; r.act = r.next }, 800); u.css({ opacity: 1 }) } if (l == 17) { h = h + 100; if (r.slots > 10) r.slots = 10; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); m(a, r, true); m(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); s.transition({ opacity: 0, rotateY: 350, rotateX: 40, perspective: "1400px" }, 0); setTimeout(function() { s.transition({ opacity: 1, top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, perspective: "150px", rotate: 0, rotateY: 0, rotateX: 0 }, h * 2, function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }, t * 100) }) } if (l == 18) { h = h + 100; if (r.slots > 10) r.slots = 10; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); v(a, r, true); v(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); s.transition({ rotateX: 10, rotateY: 310, perspective: "1400px", rotate: 0, opacity: 0 }, 0); setTimeout(function() { s.transition({ top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, perspective: "150px", rotate: 0, rotateY: 0, rotateX: 0, opacity: 1 }, h * 2, function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }, t * 100) }) } if (l == 19) { h = h + 100; if (r.slots > 10) r.slots = 10; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); v(a, r, true); v(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var M = u.css("z-index"); var _ = i.css("z-index"); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); s.parent().css({ overflow: "visible" }); s.css({ background: "#333" }); if (c == 1) s.transition({ opacity: 0, left: 0, top: r.height / 2, perspective: r.height * 100, rotate3d: "1, 0, 0, -90deg " }, 0); else s.transition({ opacity: 0, left: 0, top: 0 - r.height / 2, perspective: r.height * 100, rotate3d: "1, 0, 0, 90deg " }, 0); setTimeout(function() { s.transition({ opacity: 1, top: 0, rotate3d: " 1, 0, 0, 0deg " }, h * 2, function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }, t * 150) }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); n.parent().css({ overflow: "visible" }); n.css({ background: "#333" }); n.transition({ top: 0, perspective: r.height * 100, rotate3d: "1, 0, 0, 0deg" }, 0); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { if (c == 1) n.transition({ opacity: .6, left: 0, top: 0 - r.height / 2, rotate3d: "1, 0, 0, 90deg" }, h * 2, function() {}); else n.transition({ opacity: .6, left: 0, top: 0 + r.height / 2, rotate3d: "1, 0, 0, -90deg" }, h * 2, function() {}) }, t * 150) }) } if (l == 20) { h = h + 100; if (r.slots > 10) r.slots = 10; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); m(a, r, true); m(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); s.parent().css({ overflow: "visible" }); if (c == 1) s.transition({ scale: .8, top: 0, left: 0 - r.width, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "2, 5, 0, 110deg" }, 0); else s.transition({ scale: .8, top: 0, left: 0 + r.width, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "2, 5, 0, -110deg" }, 0); setTimeout(function() { s.transition({ scale: .8, left: 0, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "1, 5, 0, 0deg" }, h * 2, "ease").transition({ scale: 1 }, 200, "out", function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }, t * 100) }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); n.transition({ scale: .5, left: 0, perspective: 500, rotate3d: "1, 5, 0, 5deg" }, 300, "in-out"); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { if (c == 1) n.transition({ top: 0, left: r.width / 2, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "0, -3, 0, 70deg", opacity: 0 }, h * 2, "out", function() {}); else n.transition({ top: 0, left: 0 - r.width / 2, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "0, -3, 0, -70deg", opacity: 0 }, h * 2, "out", function() {}) }, t * 100) }) } if (l == 21) { h = h + 100; if (r.slots > 10) r.slots = 10; u.css({ opacity: 1 }); m(a, r, true); m(f, r, false); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (c == 1) s.transition({ top: 0, left: 0 - r.width / 2, perspective: r.width * 2, rotate3d: "0, 100, 0, 90deg" }, 0); else s.transition({ top: 0, left: 0 + r.width / 2, perspective: r.width * 2, rotate3d: "0, 100, 0, -90deg" }, 0); setTimeout(function() { s.transition({ left: 0, perspective: r.width * 2, rotate3d: "0, 0, 0, 0deg" }, h * 2, function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { y(n, r); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (u.index() != i.index()) a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); r.act = r.next; o(n) } }) }, t * 100) }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); n.transition({ left: 0, perspective: r.width * 2, rotate3d: "0, 0, 0, 0deg" }, 0); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { if (c == 1) n.transition({ top: 0, left: r.width / 2, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "0, 1000, 0, -90deg" }, h * 1.5, function() {}); else n.transition({ top: 0, left: 0 - r.width / 2, perspective: r.width, rotate3d: "0, 1000, 0, +90deg" }, h * 1.5, function() {}) }, t * 100) }) } var D = {}; D.slideIndex = r.next + 1; n.trigger("revolution.slide.onchange", D); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop") } function E() {} function S(t) { if (t.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); n.stop(); r.videoplaying = true; r.videostartednow = 1 } else { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); if (r.conthover == 0) n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: r.delay - r.cd - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }); r.videoplaying = false; r.videostoppednow = 1 } } function x(e) { e.target.playVideo() } function T(e, t, n) { if (e.addEventListener) { e.addEventListener(t, n, false) } else { e.attachEvent(t, n, false) } } function N(t) { var n = $f(t); n.addEvent("ready", function(t) { n.addEvent("play", function(t) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); n.stop(); r.videoplaying = true }); n.addEvent("finish", function(t) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); if (r.conthover == 0) n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: r.delay - r.cd - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }); r.videoplaying = false; r.videostartednow = 1 }); n.addEvent("pause", function(t) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); if (r.conthover == 0) n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: r.delay - r.cd - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }); r.videoplaying = false; r.videostoppednow = 1 }) }) } function C(t) { var n = $f(t); n.addEvent("ready", function(e) { n.api("play") }); n.addEvent("play", function(t) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); n.stop(); r.videoplaying = true }); n.addEvent("finish", function(t) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); if (r.conthover == 0) n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: r.delay - r.cd - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }); r.videoplaying = false; r.videostartednow = 1 }); n.addEvent("pause", function(t) { var n = e("body").find(".tp-bannertimer"); var r = n.data("opt"); if (r.conthover == 0) n.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: r.delay - r.cd - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }); r.videoplaying = false; r.videostoppednow = 1 }) } function k(n, r, i) { n.find(".tp-caption").each(function(i) { offsetx = r.width / 2 - r.startwidth / 2; if (r.bh > 1) { r.bw = 1; r.bh = 1 } if (r.bw > 1) { r.bw = 1; r.bh = 1 } var s = r.bw; var o = r.bh; var u = n.find(".tp-caption:eq(" + i + ")"); var a = 0; if (r.width < r.hideCaptionAtLimit && u.data("captionhidden") == "on") { u.addClass("tp-hidden-caption"); a = 1 } else { if (r.width < r.hideAllCaptionAtLilmit) { u.addClass("tp-hidden-caption"); a = 1 } else { u.removeClass("tp-hidden-caption") } } u.stop(true, true); if (a == 0) { if (u.data("linktoslide") != t) { u.css({ cursor: "pointer" }); if (u.data("linktoslide") != "no") { u.click(function() { var t = e(this); var n = t.data("linktoslide"); if (n != "next" && n != "prev") { r.container.data("showus", n); r.container.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click() } else if (n == "next") r.container.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").click(); else if (n == "prev") r.container.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow").click() }) } } if (u.hasClass("coloredbg")) offsetx = 0; if (offsetx < 0) offsetx = 0; var f = 0; clearTimeout(u.data("timer")); clearTimeout(u.data("timer-end")); var l = "iframe" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e3 + 1); if (u.find("iframe").length > 0) { u.find("iframe").each(function() { var n = e(this); if (n.attr("src").toLowerCase().indexOf("youtube") >= 0) { if (!n.hasClass("HasListener")) { try { n.attr("id", l); var r; if (u.data("autoplay") == true) r = new YT.Player(l, { events: { onStateChange: S, onReady: x } }); else r = new YT.Player(l, { events: { onStateChange: S } }); n.addClass("HasListener"); u.data("player", r) } catch(i) {} } } else { if (n.attr("src").toLowerCase().indexOf("vimeo") >= 0) { if (!n.hasClass("HasListener")) { n.addClass("HasListener"); n.attr("id", l); var s = n.attr("src"); var o = {}, a = s, f = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, c; while (c = f.exec(a)) { o[decodeURIComponent(c[1])] = decodeURIComponent(c[2]) } if (o["player_id"] != t) { s = s.replace(o["player_id"], l) } else { s = s + "&player_id=" + l } try { s = s.replace("api=0", "api=1") } catch(i) {} s = s + "&api=1"; n.attr("src", s); var r = u.find("iframe")[0]; if (u.data("autoplay") == true) $f(r).addEvent("ready", C); else $f(r).addEvent("ready", N) } } } }) } if (u.hasClass("randomrotate") && (r.ie || r.ie9)) u.removeClass("randomrotate").addClass("sfb"); u.removeClass("noFilterClass"); var c = 0; var h = 0; if (u.find("img").length > 0) { var p = u.find("img"); if (p.data("ww") == t) p.data("ww", p.width()); if (p.data("hh") == t) p.data("hh", p.height()); var d = p.data("ww"); var v = p.data("hh"); p.width(d * r.bw); p.height(v * r.bh); c = p.width(); h = p.height() } else { if (u.find("iframe").length > 0) { var p = u.find("iframe"); if (u.data("ww") == t) { u.data("ww", p.width()) } if (u.data("hh") == t) u.data("hh", p.height()); var d = u.data("ww"); var v = u.data("hh"); var m = u; if (m.data("fsize") == t) m.data("fsize", parseInt(m.css("font-size"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pt") == t) m.data("pt", parseInt(m.css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pb") == t) m.data("pb", parseInt(m.css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pl") == t) m.data("pl", parseInt(m.css("paddingLeft"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pr") == t) m.data("pr", parseInt(m.css("paddingRight"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("mt") == t) m.data("mt", parseInt(m.css("marginTop"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("mb") == t) m.data("mb", parseInt(m.css("marginBottom"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("ml") == t) m.data("ml", parseInt(m.css("marginLeft"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("mr") == t) m.data("mr", parseInt(m.css("marginRight"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("bt") == t) m.data("bt", parseInt(m.css("borderTop"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("bb") == t) m.data("bb", parseInt(m.css("borderBottom"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("bl") == t) m.data("bl", parseInt(m.css("borderLeft"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("br") == t) m.data("br", parseInt(m.css("borderRight"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("lh") == t) m.data("lh", parseInt(m.css("lineHeight"), 0) || 0); var g = r.width; var y = r.height; if (g > r.startwidth) g = r.startwidth; if (y > r.startheight) y = r.startheight; if (!u.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) u.css({ "font-size": m.data("fsize") * r.bw + "px", "padding-top": m.data("pt") * r.bh + "px", "padding-bottom": m.data("pb") * r.bh + "px", "padding-left": m.data("pl") * r.bw + "px", "padding-right": m.data("pr") * r.bw + "px", "margin-top": m.data("mt") * r.bh + "px", "margin-bottom": m.data("mb") * r.bh + "px", "margin-left": m.data("ml") * r.bw + "px", "margin-right": m.data("mr") * r.bw + "px", "border-top": m.data("bt") * r.bh + "px", "border-bottom": m.data("bb") * r.bh + "px", "border-left": m.data("bl") * r.bw + "px", "border-right": m.data("br") * r.bw + "px", "line-height": m.data("lh") * r.bh + "px", height: v * r.bh + "px", "white-space": "nowrap" }); else u.css({ width: r.startwidth * r.bw, height: r.startheight * r.bh }); p.width(d * r.bw); p.height(v * r.bh); c = p.width(); h = p.height() } else { var m = u; if (m.data("fsize") == t) m.data("fsize", parseInt(m.css("font-size"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pt") == t) m.data("pt", parseInt(m.css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pb") == t) m.data("pb", parseInt(m.css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pl") == t) m.data("pl", parseInt(m.css("paddingLeft"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("pr") == t) m.data("pr", parseInt(m.css("paddingRight"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("mt") == t) m.data("mt", parseInt(m.css("marginTop"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("mb") == t) m.data("mb", parseInt(m.css("marginBottom"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("ml") == t) m.data("ml", parseInt(m.css("marginLeft"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("mr") == t) m.data("mr", parseInt(m.css("marginRight"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("bt") == t) m.data("bt", parseInt(m.css("borderTop"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("bb") == t) m.data("bb", parseInt(m.css("borderBottom"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("bl") == t) m.data("bl", parseInt(m.css("borderLeft"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("br") == t) m.data("br", parseInt(m.css("borderRight"), 0) || 0); if (m.data("lh") == t) m.data("lh", parseInt(m.css("lineHeight"), 0) || 0); u.css({ "font-size": m.data("fsize") * r.bw + "px", "padding-top": m.data("pt") * r.bh + "px", "padding-bottom": m.data("pb") * r.bh + "px", "padding-left": m.data("pl") * r.bw + "px", "padding-right": m.data("pr") * r.bw + "px", "margin-top": m.data("mt") * r.bh + "px", "margin-bottom": m.data("mb") * r.bh + "px", "margin-left": m.data("ml") * r.bw + "px", "margin-right": m.data("mr") * r.bw + "px", "border-top": m.data("bt") * r.bh + "px", "border-bottom": m.data("bb") * r.bh + "px", "border-left": m.data("bl") * r.bw + "px", "border-right": m.data("br") * r.bw + "px", "line-height": m.data("lh") * r.bh + "px", "white-space": "nowrap" }); h = u.outerHeight(true); c = u.outerWidth(true) } } if (u.hasClass("fade")) { u.css({ opacity: 0, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("randomrotate")) { u.css({ left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: o * u.data("y") + f + "px" }); var b = Math.random() * 2 + 1; var w = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); var E = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); var T = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); u.data("repx", E); u.data("repy", T); u.data("repo", u.css("opacity")); u.data("rotate", w); u.data("scale", b); u.transition({ opacity: 0, scale: b, rotate: w, x: E, y: T, duration: "0ms" }) } else { if (r.ie || r.ie9) {} else u.transition({ scale: 1, rotate: 0 }) } if (u.hasClass("lfr")) { u.css({ opacity: 1, left: 15 + r.width + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("lfl")) { u.css({ opacity: 1, left: -15 - c + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("sfl")) { u.css({ opacity: 0, left: s * u.data("x") - 50 + offsetx + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("sfr")) { u.css({ opacity: 0, left: s * u.data("x") + 50 + offsetx + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("lft")) { u.css({ opacity: 1, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: -25 - h + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("lfb")) { u.css({ opacity: 1, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: 25 + r.height + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("sft")) { u.css({ opacity: 0, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") - 50 + "px" }) } if (u.hasClass("sfb")) { u.css({ opacity: 0, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + 50 + "px" }) } u.data("timer", setTimeout(function() { u.css({ visibility: "visible" }); if (u.hasClass("fade")) { u.data("repo", u.css("opacity")); u.animate({ opacity: 1 }, { duration: u.data("speed") }); if (r.ie) u.addClass("noFilterClass") } if (u.hasClass("randomrotate")) { u.transition({ opacity: 1, scale: 1, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: o * u.data("y") + f + "px", rotate: 0, x: 0, y: 0, duration: u.data("speed") }); if (r.ie) u.addClass("noFilterClass") } if (u.hasClass("lfr") || u.hasClass("lfl") || u.hasClass("sfr") || u.hasClass("sfl") || u.hasClass("lft") || u.hasClass("lfb") || u.hasClass("sft") || u.hasClass("sfb")) { var e = u.data("easing"); if (e == t) e = "linear"; u.data("repx", u.position().left); u.data("repy", u.position().top); u.data("repo", u.css("opacity")); u.animate({ opacity: 1, left: s * u.data("x") + offsetx + "px", top: r.bh * u.data("y") + "px" }, { duration: u.data("speed"), easing: e }); if (r.ie) u.addClass("noFilterClass") } }, u.data("start"))); if (u.data("end") != t) u.data("timer-end", setTimeout(function() { if ((r.ie || r.ie9) && (u.hasClass("randomrotate") || u.hasClass("randomrotateout"))) { u.removeClass("randomrotate").removeClass("randomrotateout").addClass("fadeout") } A(u, r) }, u.data("end"))) } }) } function L(e, t) { e.find(".tp-caption").each(function(n) { var r = e.find(".tp-caption:eq(" + n + ")"); r.stop(true, true); clearTimeout(r.data("timer")); clearTimeout(r.data("timer-end")); var i = r.data("easing"); i = "easeInOutSine"; var s = r.data("repx"); var o = r.data("repy"); var u = r.data("repo"); var a = r.data("rotate"); var f = r.data("scale"); if (r.find("iframe").length > 0) { try { var l = r.find("iframe"); var c = l.attr("id"); var h = $f(c); h.api("pause") } catch(p) {} try { var d = r.data("player"); d.stopVideo() } catch(p) {} } try { A(r, t) } catch(p) {} }) } function A(e, n) { var r = e.data("endspeed"); if (r == t) r = e.data("speed"); var i = e.data("repx"); var s = e.data("repy"); var o = e.data("repo"); if (e.hasClass("ltr") || e.hasClass("ltl") || e.hasClass("str") || e.hasClass("stl") || e.hasClass("ltt") || e.hasClass("ltb") || e.hasClass("stt") || e.hasClass("stb")) { i = e.position().left; s = e.position().top; if (e.hasClass("ltr")) i = n.width + 20; else if (e.hasClass("ltl")) i = 0 - e.width() - 20; else if (e.hasClass("ltt")) s = 0 - e.height() - 20; else if (e.hasClass("ltb")) s = n.height + 20; else if (e.hasClass("str")) { i = i + 50; o = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("stl")) { i = i - 50; o = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("stt")) { s = s - 50; o = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("stb")) { s = s + 50; o = 0 } var u = e.data("endeasing"); if (u == t) u = "linear"; e.animate({ opacity: o, left: i + "px", top: s + "px" }, { duration: e.data("endspeed"), easing: u }); if (n.ie) e.addClass("noFilterClass") } else if (e.hasClass("randomrotateout")) { e.transition({ opacity: 0, scale: Math.random() * 2 + .3, left: Math.random() * n.width + "px", top: Math.random() * n.height + "px", rotate: Math.random() * 40, duration: r }); if (n.ie) e.addClass("noFilterClass") } else if (e.hasClass("fadeout")) { e.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: r }); if (n.ie) e.addClass("noFilterClass") } else if (e.hasClass("lfr") || e.hasClass("lfl") || e.hasClass("sfr") || e.hasClass("sfl") || e.hasClass("lft") || e.hasClass("lfb") || e.hasClass("sft") || e.hasClass("sfb")) { if (e.hasClass("lfr")) i = n.width + 20; else if (e.hasClass("lfl")) i = 0 - e.width() - 20; else if (e.hasClass("lft")) s = 0 - e.height() - 20; else if (e.hasClass("lfb")) s = n.height + 20; var u = e.data("endeasing"); if (u == t) u = "linear"; e.animate({ opacity: o, left: i + "px", top: s + "px" }, { duration: e.data("endspeed"), easing: u }); if (n.ie) e.addClass("noFilterClass") } else if (e.hasClass("fade")) { e.animate({ opacity: 0 }, { duration: r }); if (n.ie) e.addClass("noFilterClass") } else if (e.hasClass("randomrotate")) { e.transition({ opacity: 0, scale: Math.random() * 2 + .3, left: Math.random() * n.width + "px", top: Math.random() * n.height + "px", rotate: Math.random() * 40, duration: r }); if (n.ie) e.addClass("noFilterClass") } } function O(e, n) { n.cd = 0; n.loop = 0; if (n.stopAfterLoops != t && n.stopAfterLoops > -1) n.looptogo = n.stopAfterLoops; else n.looptogo = 9999999; if (n.stopAtSlide != t && n.stopAtSlide > -1) n.lastslidetoshow = n.stopAtSlide; else n.lastslidetoshow = 999; if (n.looptogo == 0) n.stopLoop = "on"; if (n.slideamount > 1 && !(n.stopAfterLoops == 0 && n.stopAtSlide == 1)) { var r = e.find(".tp-bannertimer"); if (r.length > 0) { r.css({ width: "0%" }); r.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: n.delay - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }) } r.data("opt", n); n.cdint = setInterval(function() { if (e.data("conthover-changed") == 1) { n.conthover = e.data("conthover"); e.data("conthover-changed", 0) } if (n.conthover != 1 && n.videoplaying != true && n.width > n.hideSliderAtLimit) n.cd = n.cd + 100; if (n.fullWidth != "on") if (n.width > n.hideSliderAtLimit) e.parent().removeClass("tp-hide-revslider"); else e.parent().addClass("tp-hide-revslider"); if (n.videostartednow == 1) { e.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay"); n.videostartednow = 0 } if (n.videostoppednow == 1) { e.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); n.videostoppednow = 0 } if (n.cd >= n.delay) { n.cd = 0; n.act = n.next; n.next = n.next + 1; if (n.next > e.find(">ul >li").length - 1) { n.next = 0; n.looptogo = n.looptogo - 1; if (n.loop <= 0) { n.stopLoop = "on" } } if (n.stopLoop == "on" && n.next == n.lastslidetoshow - 1) { clearInterval(n.cdint); e.find(".tp-bannertimer").css({ visibility: "hidden" }); e.trigger("revolution.slide.onstop") } w(e, n); if (r.length > 0) { r.css({ width: "0%" }); r.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: n.delay - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }) } } }, 100); e.hover(function() { if (n.onHoverStop == "on") { n.conthover = 1; r.stop(); e.trigger("revolution.slide.onpause") } }, function() { if (e.data("conthover") != 1) { e.trigger("revolution.slide.onresume"); n.conthover = 0; if (n.onHoverStop == "on" && n.videoplaying != true) { r.animate({ width: "100%" }, { duration: n.delay - n.cd - 100, queue: false, easing: "linear" }) } } }) } } e.fn.extend({ revolution: function(r) { e.fn.revolution.defaults = { delay: 9e3, startheight: 500, startwidth: 960, hideThumbs: 200, thumbWidth: 100, thumbHeight: 50, thumbAmount: 5, navigationType: "bullet", navigationArrows: "nexttobullets", navigationStyle: "round", touchenabled: "on", onHoverStop: "on", navOffsetHorizontal: 0, navOffsetVertical: 20, stopAtSlide: -1, stopAfterLoops: -1, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, shadow: 1, fullWidth: "off" }; r = e.extend({}, e.fn.revolution.defaults, r); return this.each(function() { var i = r; var o = e(this); i.firefox13 = e.browser.mozilla && (parseInt(e.browser.version, 0) == 13 || parseInt(e.browser.version, 0) == 14 || parseInt(e.browser.version, 0) == 15 || parseInt(e.browser.version, 0) == 16); i.ie = e.browser.msie && parseInt(e.browser.version, 0) < 9; i.ie9 = e.browser.msie && parseInt(e.browser.version, 0) == 9; var u = e.fn.jquery.split("."), h = parseFloat(u[0]), p = parseFloat(u[1]), v = parseFloat(u[2] || "0"); if (h == 1 && p < 7) { o.html('
The Current Version of jQuery:' + u + "
Please update your jQuery Version to min. 1.7 in Case you wish to use the Revolution Slider Plugin
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